Oct 01

2021-10-01 Could CCP’s murder-for-profit transplant industry emerge in other countries?

Information source: Falun Dafa Information Centre, USA

DID YOU KNOW? IN THE TRANSPLANT MARKET, THE CHINESE REGIME IS THE SOLE STATE-SANCTIONED PLAYER WITH A MURDER-FOR-PROFIT INDUSTRY. And now, China may be rewriting medical standards to entice other regimes to follow suit. This was one of many revelations presented at The World Summit on Combating and Preventing Forced Organ Harvesting international webinar, which also disclosed estimates that more than a million have died due to forced organ harvesting.

Countries that follow ethical medical procedures cannot compete: it’s cheaper and faster for patients to get organs in China. This economic reality alone could push other regimes to follow Beijing’s macabre methods.

But the world is also waking up to the CCP’s crimes. A petition campaign in 2018 addressed to the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights garnered over 3 million signatures across the globe. This month, over 400,000 viewers attended World Summit live webinar sessions. And now you also have an opportunity to refuse the CCP’s encroachment of our medical ethics by adding your signature to the Universal Declaration on Combating and Preventing Forced Organ Harvesting here.

Sep 30

2021-09-30 Invitation to join The XVIII International Human Rights Congress in Brazil

I encourage everyone interested in human rights and, in particular, in human rights education to join this conference.
A PDF copy of the invitation is attached here.. Invitation..


The XVIII International Human Rights Congress continues the work developed in its seventeen previous editions, which have always addressed topics related to philosophical, historical and legal foundations, as well as the practice of Human Rights in Brazil and other countries. This event also intends to be a privileged space for talking about new perspectives related to Human Rights, public policies and innovation in this area.

The expectation is that the event will be held between November 8 and 12, 2021, at the Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul, completely online, being open to students, teachers, professionals and activists from social movements, with the aim of to reflect on Inequalities, DESCA and the 2030 Agenda.

For that, it will count on the collaboration of several Higher Education Institutions, including: Universidade Católica Dom Bosco – UCDB, MS, Brazil; Faculdade Estácio de Sá Campo Grande – FESCG, MS, Brazil; Universidad Complutense de Madrid – UCM, Spain; Federal University of Grande Dourados – UFGD, MS, Brazil; University of Washington, Tacoma – UW, United States; Mato Grosso do Sul College – FACSUL, MS, Brazil; State University of Mato Grosso do Sul – UEMS, MS, Brazil; Universidad de Salamanca – USAL, Spain.
The event will also count with the participation of the Public Ministry and other institutions and bodies of the state and federal Judiciary.

In view of the above, we invite you to join the International Commission for the Promotion of the XVIII IACHR. This committee will assist in publicizing the event on various social media networks and research groups, as well as in the dialogue between possible collaborators / speakers and conducting institutions, namely, Institute of Human Rights of Mato Grosso do Sul – José do Nascimento – IDHMSJN; Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul – UFMS; and Catholic University Dom Bosco – UCDB.

Certain of counting on your collaboration, we put ourselves at your disposal and thank you in advance.

Rosângela Kato Getulio Raimundo Lima Ynes da Silva Félix President
of IDHMS.JN Standing Committee on CIDH Organizing Committee of XVIII CIDH

Aug 03

2021-08-03 The USA Human Rights Trophy Arrived

On 16 July 2021, I was presented with the 2021 Friends of Falun Gong Human Rights Award in Washington DC. I regret that because of COVIS-19 Sydney lockdown I was not able to travel to Washington DC to receive the award in person. For my address delivered at the award ceremony see: 2021-07-18 The 2021 Friends of Falun Gong Human Rights Award, Washington DC, 16 July 2021, Statement by Prof Sev Ozdowski, | Dr Sev Ozdowski AM

Enclosed is the photo of the Human Rights Trophy that arrived in Sydney today. It is a beautifully hand-crafted piece of art that was manufactured at a jewellery factory in New York City. Enclosed is a short documentary about the factory that crafted this beautiful trophy. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TX-Rxz0egiw&lc=Ugy2cPNVzeCuTP8n1uV4AaABAg

Thank you to all who helped with the acknowledgement of my work to advance human rights in China. The Trophy will be displayed in a very prominent place.

Aug 02

2021-07-30 Webinar on ‘International Friendship and Multilateralism’

On Friday 30 July Prof. Sev Ozdowski AM, Chair, Australian Multicultural Foundation and former Australian Human Rights Commissioner took part together with Prof. the Honourable Bob Carr, former Premier of New South Wales (1995 to 2005) and former Australian Minister for Foreign Affairs in a dialogue organised in recognition of the International Day of Friendship titled ‘International Friendship and Multilateralism’.

The discussion was moderated by Ms Lissa McMillan, the former ABC and SBS journalist. The webinar was hosted by Mr Ahmet Polat, Executive Director, Affinity Intercultural Foundation and Dr Patricia Jenkings, President, NSW Branch, the United Nations Association of Australia. Closing remarks were offered by Affinity Advisory Board member, Mr Richard Broinowski AM.

The discussion covered a range of issues impacting on the current state of multilateralism and on the promotion of dialogue among civilizations, countries, cultures and individuals. The contemporary approach to multilateralism by China, Russia and the USA were discussed.

Here is the link to the webinar’s live stream video event:
Alternatively watch on:
YouTube: https://youtu.be/G9YJWNAXmis
Facebook: https://fb.watch/777tHWFbEQ/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Affinity_IF/status/1421034003537096706?s=20
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/affinity-intercultural-foundation_international-friendship-day-international-activity-6827790338208485376-IElj

Jul 22

2021-07-22 Freedom of Religion in the People’s Republic of China

Since the communist takeover of China in 1949, the Chinese Communist Party has mounted regular anti-religious campaigns and actively prosecutes religious minorities such as Tibetan, Uyghur, Muslims and Christian communities.

22 years ago, on July 20, 1999, the Chinese Communist Party has launched a brutal campaign to eliminate Falun Gong spiritual movement. Today, after 22 years, this brutal repression continues. Since 1999 millions of Falun Gong practitioners have been imprisoned, tortured, or killed, including by criminal harvesting of their organs for illicit transplantation.

If you are interested in finding more about the prosecution of the Falun Gong movement see a video, about 3 mins, that includes video messages from Senators Eric Abetz, Connie Fierravanti – Wells and Professor David Flint: https://www.facebook.com/falungongnsw/videos/335934784746893/ See also, the Inter-Parliamentary Alliance on China #IPAC statement that was published on Twitter https://twitter.com/ipacglobal/status/1417244104619171846/photo/1 and an article by John Deller published in Epoch Times : https://www.theepochtimes.com/20-july-anniversary-of-a-persecution-targeting-the-world_3907953.html

History tells us that the persecution of religious and minority groups by a state leads only to one result; the submission of the state to the will of the people. I hope that in the not-too-distant future, Chinese people will be able to practice their religion in freedom again.

Jul 18

2021-07-18 The 2021 Friends of Falun Gong Human Rights Award, Washington DC, 16 July 2021, Statement by Prof Sev Ozdowski,

The 2021 Friends of Falun Gong Human Rights Award, Washington DC, 16 July 2021, Statement by Prof Sev Ozdowski

I am delighted to be the recipient of the 2021 Friends of Falun Gong Human Rights Award. I regret I cannot be in Washington DC with you.

It is an honour to be the first individual selected by the Friends of Falun Gong committee for this award and to be recognised alongside past winners, David Matas and David Kilgour, the International Coalition to End Transplant Abuse in China (ETAC) and the journalists, academics and researchers who contribute to Bitter Winter. Thank you for acknowledging my human rights work in this important area.

My interest in human rights and my work to advance and promote rights and freedoms dates to my youth in Communist Poland.

Human rights are the basic freedoms and protections that belong to every single one of us and that should be delivered by a state. However, my experience of Communism in Poland taught me that a totalitarian state could be in fact the worst violator of human rights.

As Australian Human Rights Commissioner and Chair of Australian Multicultural Council I developed close contacts with the Chinese community in Australia.

The 2006 Kilgour–Matas investigative report about organ harvesting from Falun Gong practitioners in China was an eye opener. The report stated that “the source of 41,500 transplants for the six-year period 2000 to 2005 is unexplained”. Further research documented prosecution, imprisonments and murders of Falun Gong followers. This was my personal ‘call for action’ and was the start of my close cooperation with Falun Gong practitioners in Sydney.

However, back in 2006 I perhaps naively hoped that after the government crimes against the Falun Gong community were exposed, the Chinese Communist Party would take steps to eliminate the practice and punish those responsible.

Unfortunately, I was wrong. The prosecution and organ harvesting continues to this day. Thus, we need to continue our fight.

Last, but not least, I wish to dedicate my award to all the people in Australia working to advance the human rights of Falun Gong practitioners in China. There are too many of them to mention individually.

Be reassured, victory will be ours. History tells us that the persecution of religious and minority groups by a state leads only to one result; the submission of the state to the will of the people.

You will be able to practice your religion in freedom again.

2021-07-17 Falun Dafa Parade in Washington DC

2021-0716 Falun Dafa Vigil in Washington DC