Aug 28

2015-08-12 Australian Multicultural Council 2nd Meeting

Yesterday I have attended the second meeting of The Australian Multicultural Council.  I chair the Council, which is an advisory body to Government on multicultural policy and programmes.

Multicultural policy: The Council discussed and consolidated their advice to Government on strategic policy issues relating to social harmony and community cohesion, in particular the need to continue to emphasise the positive social and economic outcomes arising from a multicultural Australia.

The Council discussed the Multicultural Access and Equity Policy: Respecting diversity. Improving responsiveness (2013) and noted the Council’s new oversight for this policy.

Interfaith: Professor Emeritus Gary Bouma AM led a discussion on the religious diversity of Australia’s population, noting that religious diversity has increased since the 1980s both between and within religious groups, and in the proportion who report having no religion.  Professor Bouma concluded that increased religious diversity makes interfaith dialogue harder but more important.  The Council considered their role of strengthening interfaith dialogue and opportunities to do so in contemporary Australia.

Productive Diversity: The Council noted that productive diversity recognises the importance of working together with Australia’s diverse communities in developing international business relationships.  The Council discussed barriers to employment participation as an important factor in enhancing productive diversity. The Council also noted that qualification deficits (including English proficiency), skills recognition, local knowledge and social factors were important in reducing employment barriers.

Aug 28

2015-08-14 Australian Press Council supports Multiculturalism

It was a pleasure to address the Australia Press Council (APC) media conference on  multiculturalism in the Australian media. This important event was organised jointly by Professor David Weisbrot, Chair, APC and by the leaders of Chinese community. Other speakers included The Hon. Helen Sham-Ho and Dr Geoffrey Lee Member for Parramatta and Parliamentary Secretary for Multicultural Affairs. The function was held at the Marigold Restaurant, in Chinatown.

For more information see the online report in Chinese language from Sing Tao newspaper: ?

and from Sydney Today newspaper

Aug 09

2015-08-01 Interview with Australian Epoch Times

President of Australian Council for Human Rights Education: You Will Win

August 01, 2015 | By Li Zheng in Australia
A prominent human rights expert, Australia’s former Human Rights Commissioner Dr. Sev Ozdowski recently expressed his support of Falun Gong practitioners’ taking legal action against former Chinese leader Jiang Zemin in an interview.

To date, over 103,000 individuals have filed criminal complaints with the Supreme People’s Procuratorate and the Supreme People’s Court of China, charging Jiang with unlawful imprisonment, depriving citizens of their constitutional right to freedom of belief, abuse of power, and many other crimes.

Dr. Sev Ozdowski OAM (Order of Australia Medal) was the Australian Human Rights Commissioner from 2000 to 2005. He currently serves as president of the Australian Council for Human Rights Education.

Dr. Sev Ozdowski OAM, President of the Australian Council for Human Rights Education

Dr. Ozdowski was interviewed in Sydney about the criminal complaints against Jiang Zemin being filed by Chinese Falun Gong practitioners around the world. Given that China is one of a few countries in the world still ruled by communism, and where there is no rule of law, he applauded practitioners’ use of the country’s legal system to bring Jiang Zemin to justice.

“When you look back (in history), people win against oppression, and you will win,” he said. “Just do what you do, stay strong and continue to lodge complaints; continue demanding more human rights for yourselves!”

Dr. Ozdowski believes that the wave of criminal complaints filed against Jiang Zemin can help people in China to gain confidence in the legal system.

“Across a lot of our planet we still have got the communist party in charge; we still do not have the rule of Law,” he added. “What’s happening [with the criminal complaints] is good! It’s building people’s confidence in the legal system, it’s allowing them to say what they think, but it’s far from enough. We need to go much further.” Dr. Ozdowski believes that Jiang Zemin has committed crimes against humanity, and “to him due process of the criminal law should apply.”

Dr. Ozdowski also commended Australian television station SBS TV for airing “Human Harvest” on its Dateline program. This award-winning documentary exposes the Chinese regime’s harvesting organs of persecuted Falun Gong practitioners and other prisoners of conscience.

“It is necessary to publicly expose the crime of organ harvesting in China in order to stop it,” said Ozdowski.

In a letter of support to a rally condemning forced organ harvesting that was held in April in Sydney, Dr. Ozdowski wrote: “The persecution of Falun Gong practitioners, which started in 1999, has all the hallmarks of genocide. It was well documented in a report by David Kilgour, former Canadian MP and Secretary of State for Asia-Pacific, and human rights lawyer David Matas that Falun Gong practitioners are killed so their corneas, hearts and lungs, livers, and kidneys could be stolen for sale to commercial customers.”

Jul 27

2015-07-20 The Advancing Community Cohesion Conference 15-17 July 2015

On 15-17 July I convened ‘The Advancing Community Cohesion – Towards a National Compact Conference’ (ACCC) at University of Western Sydney (UWS) Parramatta Campus.

For the ACCC program see: Conference booklet

ACCC was a resounding success.   The Governor General opened the Conference on 15 July.  The following two days of the conference comprised of 19 sessions with 79 speakers, including Prof.  Peter Shergold AC, Chancellor of UWS, Senator The Hon. Concetta Fierravanti-Wells, Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Social Services, The Hon Michael Kirby AC CMG, Retired Justice of the High Court of Australia, H.E. Dr Hassan El-Laithy, Ambassador of the Arab Republic of Egypt, Dr Tim Soutphommasane, Race Discrimination Commissioner, Tim Wilson, Human Rights Commissioner,  numerous  senior government officials,  scholars from throughout Australia and community representatives, including those from FECCA and Muslim groups.  Indeed, the 350 ACCC participants included all key actors who are at the forefront of community cohesion advancement in the country.

There was an impressive array of media mentions, including ABC TV and current affairs, SKY News, the Sydney Morning Herald and The Age. Some of the highlights are listed below.

  • Front page SMH and Age- you can read the story online (PDFs of the print edition in media report)
  • ABC PM, Thursday and Friday
  • SBS TV
  • Radio National interview with Dr Sev Ozdowski
  • Rolling television coverage on APAC, SKY News’ live current affairs station
  • Social media discussions included retweets of conference content by Tim Wilson and Michael   Ebeid

See photos from conference here


Jun 22

2015-06-22 Future International Human Rights Conferences

After the Museo de la Memoria y los Derechos Humanos in Santiago de Chile withdrew as the host of 6th International Human Rights Education Conference (IHREC) in December 2015 I wrote to the international human rights education network to seek a new host. I received a number of proposals including from Burma, Canada, Gambia, Lebanon, Nicaragua, Uganda, UK and others, but the most viable proposal was received from the University College Roosevelt, Utrecht University in Middelburg, Netherlands in cooperation with the Human Rights Education Associates (HREA).

Today I am pleased to announce that the 6th International Human Rights Education Conference will be held at the University College Roosevelt (Utrecht University) in Middelburg, the Netherlands, from 16- 18 December 2015.  Professor Barbara Oomen is the Conference Convenor, together with Frank Elbers of HREA. A Conference Call will be circulated shortly. Prof. Oomen can be contacted at: ; and Frank Elbers at:

The University of Western Sydney, HREA and the Australian Council for Human Rights Education agreed to partner with University College Roosevelt in support of the 6th IHREC.  The conference website and a call for papers will be developed shortly and circulated to the human rights education community.

I am also pleased to announce that the 7th International Human Rights Education Conference in 2016 will be hosted by the Human Rights Centre, Faculty of Law (Centro de Derechos Humanos, Facultad de Derecho) at the University of Chile. Dr Claudia Cárdenas, Director of the Human Rights Centre will be the convenor of the 2016 conference.

Finally, Equitas has agreed to host the 8th International Human Rights Education Conference in 2017 in Montreal, Canada, possibly in partnership with one of four Montreal Universities to celebrate its 50th anniversary.

Equitas is a Montreal-based NGO set up in 1967 with a mission to promote human rights education in Canada and around the world.  Equitas programs in Canada for children and youth reach approximately 100,000 young people/year.  Globally, Equitas has been running annual International Human Rights Training Program since 1980 and has been delivering programs to reinforce the HRE capacity of civil society and government organizations in Africa, Asia, the Americas, the Former Soviet Union and the Middle East since the mid- Nineties.  Equitas is recognized by many as a leader in the field when it comes to human rights education methodologies and evaluation. See  for more details.

For more information about Equitas please contact Ian Hamilton, Directeur Général / Executive Director Equitas – Centre international d’éducation aux droits humains / International Centre for Human Rights Education or visit:

See conference’ s Web site at



Jun 22

2015-06-22 Migrant Intake into Australia Australian Multicultural Council Submission

It was a pleasure to present this submission on behalf of the Australian Multicultural Council in response to the Productivity Commission’s invitation to submit responses to their Inquiry on Migrant Intake into Australia.

The Council strongly supports the continuation of the Government’s current managed migration programme which not only maintains Australia’s economic prosperity, but also supports our social cohesion.

For full submission please see:

Jun 11

2015-06-11 Vale Joan Kirner

I was deeply sorry to learn of the death of Joan Kirner, a friend and former premier of Victoria. Joan was a wonderful, imaginative and inspirational women, strategic in her approach and committed to social justice. I also loved her humour and ability to work hard.

I had the pleasure of working closely with her on the Centenary of Federation Advisory Committee back in 1993-94 and to accompany her on consultations from Hobart to Broome; in fact we produced a great report that resulted in creation of Melbourne Federation Square, train line from Alice Springs to Darwin and many other projects.  Enclosed are few photographs of the Committee and its Secretariat under the leadership of Gavin Fry, its Secretary.

After our work was completed Joan invited me to her home in Williamstown to meet her husband Ron and we continued to stay in touch.  Last time she e-mailed me few weeks ago to congratulate on my appointment to the Australian Multicultural Council and to say that I was “one of my favourite public servants”.

She and her spirit of generosity will be sorely missed.  Vale Joan Kirner!


May 24

2015-05-25 Article about Australian Multiculturalism published in Japan

An interview with Dr Ozdowski about Australian multiculturalism was published in April 2015 issue of Japanese bi-lingual magazine ‘Bilateral’ on pages 52-54. (See the link to a scanned copy below)

The ‘Bilatera’ magazine deals with the education in globalised world, seeks to advance international partnership and cooperation and to discover new ways of thinking and doing. The April 2015 issue contains also an interview with Ms Leonie Muldoon, Australian Senior Trade Commissioner in Tokyo about Japan-Australia Partnership Agreement,  an article about visit to Japan by the President of the Republic of Poland HE Bronislaw Komorowski to address the Polish-Japanese Economic Forum and many other interesting articles.
May 24

2015-05-24 Vale Wladyslaw Bartoszewski

Professor Wladyslaw Bartoszewski died in Warsaw on Friday 24 April 2015. He was 93. He was one of the great heroes both during and after the Second World War leading the fight against Nazi and Communist tyranny and then contributing the rebuilding of democratic Poland, including as a Polish Foreign Affairs Minister.

He was born on 19 February 1922, into a Roman Catholic family living in a Jewish neighbourhood in Warsaw and took up journalism. He took part in the defence of the city from Nazi forces in 1939. After Nazis took the city, Mr. Bartoszewski was among several thousand Poles rounded up. He became one of the first prisoners at the new Auschwitz concentration camp, bearing number 4427, but was released after less than a year because of pressure by the Red Cross.

He joined the underground Home Army’s fight against the Germans, in its Information and Propaganda Bureau under the pseudonym Teofil, the name of a character in a favourite novel, and fought during the Warsaw Uprising. He was most noted for his wartime work with the Council for Aid to Jews, code named Zegota, which saved tens of thousands of people from Nazi capture and assisted the ghetto uprising. It was for this work that Israel named him Righteous Among the Nations, a honour given to non-Jews for saving Jews during the Holocaust.

After the war, when Poland fell under Soviet domination, he returned to journalism and joined the Polish People’s Party, at the time the only opposition to Communist rule. He was accused of being a spy and spent nearly 10 years in Communist prisons before his release in 1954 on grounds of poor health. A year later, the government informed him that it had determined that he had been wrongly sentenced.

He remained a thorn in the government’s side. Because of his writings and opposition activities, he was forbidden to publish in Poland for four years beginning in 1970.

In 1980 he became an early member of the Solidarity trade union, which spearheaded the movement to overthrow Poland’s Communist government, and was briefly imprisoned again.

After the collapse of Communism, he was Poland’s ambassador to Austria in the early 1990s and foreign minister under two presidents, Lech Walesa in 1995 and Aleksander Kwasniewski in 2000 and 2001. During this period he was credited with playing a key role in a post-war diplomatic triumph: the forging of a close relationship between Poland and Germany.

At a 90th-birthday celebration at Warsaw’s Royal Castle, Mr. Bartoszewski was presented with a medallion by President Bronislaw Komorowski inscribed, “To the one who dared to be disobedient.”

In 1993 Prof. Bartoszewski visited to Australia at the invitation of the Australian Institute of Polish Affairs and I as president of the ACT Branch of the Institute and my wife Hanna have had a pleasure of hosting him at our Canberra home and to accompany him to many meetings at Parliament House. The interview he gave during the visit for SBS radio is available at:

Professor Wladyslaw Bartoszewski meeting  leaders of the Polish community in ACT at Dr Sev and Hanna Ozdowski residence in Canberra in 1993.

May 14

2015-05-14 SBS – 40 Years of Service for a Multicultural Australia UWS Open Forum 3 June 2015

Warm invitation to all to join me at the next University of Western Sydney open Forum be held on Wednesday 3 June at Parramatta South campus in Building EA, Room EA.G.19. Refreshments will be served at 5:30pm with the forum starting at 6:00pm.

Our guest speaker on the night is Michael Ebeid, CEO and Managing Director of SBS, who has 25 years’ experience in senior roles across the technology, telecommunication and media industries.

To register, please visit

A biography of the speaker and more information on the Open Fora series are available at

I look forward to seeing you on the night.