Recent Publications
Women in migration: empowering for new challenges.
Australia: Immigration and Multiculturalism, Krakowskie Studia Miedzynarodowe, Cracow (in print).
Reforming Australian Human Rights Commission, The Australian, 19 January 2017.).
Relevance of Australian Immigration and Multicultural Experience to Poland and Contemporary Europe. Published by Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan, Poland. ISBN 978-83-63047-95-5.
Racism, Equality and Civil Liberties in a Multicultural Australia. In Globalisation, Human Rights Education and Reforms. pp. 187-220. ISBN 978-94-024-0870-6, Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht.
How Australians are dealing with immigration problems – Sugar on the table (Interview in Polish). Jak Australijczycy radza sobie z problemem migracji – Cukier na stole (PDF, 249.98 KB) (opens in new window). Marek Ostrowski’s interview with Dr Sev Ozdowski published in Polish weekly magazine “Polityka” in Warsaw, 12 July 2016.
Reclaiming Australian Multiculturalism: policy and practice in a shifting landscape. Krakowskie Studia Miedzynarodowe nr 4, 2016, Cracow.
Submission to the Inquiry into Freedom of Speech in Australia, Parliamentary Joint Committee on Human Rights, Parliament House, Canberra, 7 December 2016.
Australia on Multiculturalism (opens in new window)
. Interview in Nation Branding / Australia. April 2015, pp 52-54. Published by Inter Media Japan K.K.
Moss Review released. ON Line Opinion (opens in new window), 24 March 2015.
Fraser was a prodigious supporter of human rights. ON Line Opinion (opens in new window), 23 March 2015.
Human rights education in Australia In Zajda, J. (Ed.), Second international handbook on globalisation, education and policy research, pp 537-555. Dordrecht Springer.
- Australian multiculturalism now. ON Line Opinion (opens in new window)
, 29 December 2014.
- Racism in Australia: Our Past, Present and Future. Racial Prejudice and Discrimination. pp. 38-40, edited by Justin Healey. ISBN 9781922084415. The Spinney Press.
- Human Rights Education in Australia. In J. Zajda (Ed.), The New international handbook of globalisation, education and policy research. Dordrecht Springer.
- Polska – Australia – “Solidarnosc”. Spoken biography of Dr Sev Ozdowski (in Polish) by Patryk Pleskot.
- Proposed Changes to Racial Vilification Laws. Submission to Human Rights Policy Branch, Attorney-General’s Department, 28 April 2014.
- Developments in Human Rights Education in Australia (co-author Nina Burridge), to be published in the 5th Volume of Human Rights Education in Asia-Pacific - Kids in detention: new AHRC inquiry. ON Line Opinion, 7 February 2014.
Fourth International Conference on Human Rights Education, Shiow Duan Hawang and Sev Ozdowski, FOCUS December 2013 Volume 74,
archives/focus/section2/2013/ 12/fourth-international- conference-on-human-rights- education.html -
Appointment of Mr Tim Wilson as Human Rights Commissioner. ON Line Opinion, 23 December 2013.
au/view.asp?article=15858 - Australian Multiculturalism. The Roots of its Success. Promoting Changes in Times of Transition and Crisis: Reflections on Human Rights Education, pp. 109–136. Edited by K Mazur, P Musiewicz & B Szlachta. ISBN 978-83-7638 365-1. Ksiegarnia Akademicka: Krakow.
- Commission missing in action when it comes to human rights. The Australian, 17 June 2013.
au/national-affairs/opinion/ commission-missing-in-action- when-it-comes-to-human-rights/ story-e6frgd0x-1226664697467, and ON LINE Opinion, 18 June 2013. au/view.asp?article=15138niversity of Western Sydney Equity and Diversity Strategic Action Plan 2013-2018. UWS Press, March 2013 - University of Western Sydney Equity and Diversity Strategic Action Plan 2013-2018. UWS Press, March 2013
- Multiculturalism, Human Rights and Democracy – the Case of Australia. Keynote address at the 4th International Human Rights Education Conference: Global Convergence and Local Practice: The Scope and Depth of Human Rights Education Re-examined. Centre for the Study of Human Rights, Soochow University, Taipei from 21–26 November 2013.
- Developments in Human Rights Education Nationally and Internationally. National Human Rights Conciliation, Legal & Education Officers Conference Program, Canberra, 24-25 October 2013.
- Heritage and participation in a new society – a personal journey. Sydney 2013 Quo Vadis Conference “Connecting Tomorrow’s Future”, Rydges Hotel, 4-6 October 2013.
- Commission missing in action when it comes to human rights. The Australian, 17 June 2013., and ON LINE Opinion, 18 June 2013.
- True acceptance of diversity – Is awareness enough? Keynote Address at Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Communities (CALD) Conference, Melbourne, 9–10 May 2013.
- Fighting Racism and Discrimination in Multicultural Australia. FECCA’s Mosaic, 2012.
- University of Western Sydney, Australia – a Case Study in Equity and Diversity. 2012. - Submission to Expert Panel on Asylum Seekers, Sydney 16 July 2012.
- Underperforming Governments Should be Afraid. ON LINE Opinion, 26 June 2012.\ - PM should revisit Howard’s Pacific Solution. The Australian, 3 June 2012. - Twenty years after mandatory detention, kids still being detained. ON LINE Opinion, 29 May. - Free Children in Detention. The Australian, p. 14, 25 May 2012. - Human rights and the Beijing Olympics. Activating Human Rights and Peace Theories, Practices and Contexts , pp. 119-141. Edited by Goh Bee Chen, Baden Offord & Rob Garbutt; Ashgate Publishing, England, 2012.
- Asylum seekers – the solution. ON LINE Opinion, 11 January 2012.
- Real Solution is Asia-Pacific Pact, p.12 The Australian 26/12/2011.
- High Court Decision A Chance for Refugee Rethink, The Australian.
- Child Detention A Festering Sore, p. 14 in The Weekend Australian, 16-17/4/2011.
- University of Western Sydney Disability Action Plan 2011-2015, UWS Press, 2011.
- If we are going to teach ethics in schools, let’s do it properly, The Punch, 5/11/2010.
- An Absence of Human Rights: Children in Detention, Pp.39-72 in Political Crossroads, Vol. 16, Number 2, 2009.
- Human Rights and the Beijing Olympics, Pp.51-74 in Political Crossroads, Vol.16, Number 1, 2009.
- Submission to The National Human Rights Consultation Committee, National Human Rights Consultation Committee, June-2009.
Changing Australia’s Human Rights Culture address to W(h)ither Human Rights?.The 25th Annual Law and Society Association of Australia and New Zealand Conference, The University of Sydney, 10-12 December
Sixty years of Human Rights in On Line Opinion. Australia’s e-journal of social and political debate; published on 10 December
Submission (and oral evidence) to Inquiry into Immigration Detention in Australia by the Joint Standing Committee on Migration, Sydney, 24 October
Mental Health and Human Rights, Address to the Anglicare Canberra Goulbourn Litmus Program Launch, Canberra, 9 October
Mental Health, Human Rights and Inclusive Workplace in a Multicultural Australia., Keynote address to the “Opportunities not Vulnerabilities; An Australian Agenda for Social Inclusion” Anglicare Australia Conference. Sydney 2 September
Abusing the Olympic Spirit in On Line Opinion. Australia’s e-journal of social and political debate; published on 25 July
Human Rights And The Beijing Olympic, Keynote address delivered at The Activating Human Rights and Peace International Conference Byron Bay, 1-4 July
An absence of human rights: Children in Immigration Detention, Keynote at the Human Rights Law and Policy Conference, Melbourne, 16 – 17 June
The Beijing Olympics and Human Rights, Address to The International Forum: Human Rights in China and 2008 Olympics, in Taipei, Taiwan, 21 February
Mental Health, Human Rights and Minorities in Australia. Keynote to the Conference on Cultural Approaches to Health Care: Exploring Mental Health and Wellbeing at Bankstown Campus, University of Western Sydney, 28 November
Australian Citizenship and Prejudice, Paper presented at the Immigrants as Citizens: Trans Nationalism and Incorporation as Future Directions in Turkish Relations with Australia, Europe and North America Conference, The University of Sydney, 6 October
Why We Need an Australian Bill of Rights Now, pp. 22-25 in Just Policy. A Journal of Australian Social Policy, Issue 43, April
Protecting Democracy in Australia, pp.30-31 in Independent Education, Vol. 37/1, March
Human Rights and Mental Health, pp. 55-62 in New Paradigm. The Australian Journal of Psychological Rehabilitation. Special Issue, March
Access, Inclusion and Success: Muslim Students in Australian Universities, conference papers co-edited jointly with A/Prof. Joseph Zajda, Australian Catholic University, Melbourne, Political Crossroads, pp. 33-37 volume 14, Number 1
What Kind of Australia Do We Want?, ACTU Journal, Melbourne
Social Work and Changing the National Agenda, Inaugural Alumni Lecture to The University of Western Australia Social Work Alumni Fund, 27 July, Perth
How Human Rights are protected in Australia? presented at the Law Faculty, University of Warsaw, 15 March, Warsaw
Human Rights and Mental Health in Australia address presented at the International Seminar ‘Making the Connection: Human Rights and Mental Health”, the British Council, 5-8 March, Edinburgh
The Australian System of Protection of Rights of People with Disabilities – the Laws and Practices, keynote presented at the National Conference on Disabled Rights, Human Rights Commission of Sri Lanka, 22-24 February, Colombo